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We’ve created an Introductory guide for anyone that is interested in joining the club. It’s a compilation of information, suggestions, and ideas from our experienced managers.

Join Maidenbower Colts as a manager or coach and we’ll support you in gaining the qualifications you need from the Sussex County FA. All our coaches and manager receive a Level I qualification in coaching and many go on to complete additional training. We’ll ask you to put in four to five hours a week with your team during the season. Training is usually one evening a week and matches last about three hours on a Saturday / Sunday morning. Meetings are kept to a minimum, but they are required. Managers are also responsible for submitting game results if your league requires it.

How much time is involved?
About 2 -3 hours on a match day and one evening a week.

Will there be others helping me?
The aim is to get as many parents involved as possible to help with the many aspects of managing a team.

Will I have to organise anything?
The club will arrange your fixtures for you and allocate pitches. 

I have no experience in coaching or running a team. Will I receive training?
Yes. All coaches must obtain an FA Level 1 coaching qualification during their first season and keep first aid and child protection certificates up to date. The club will pay for Level 1 training.

If I want to obtain higher qualifications will the club support me?
Yes. We encourage personal development of coaching skills and grants are available through various channels to obtain qualifications at level 2 and 3.

Will the club supply the player’s kit and training equipment?
Yes. We will make sure that you have sufficient kit, balls and basic training equipment to run a team. We supply a match and training kit to each player as part of the monthly subscription.

How do I apply to become a coach or manager?
You must be CRB checked and any appointment as a volunteer to work with children and young people will be subject to a satisfactory report from the CRB.

What about training facilities?
Training takes place at a range of local pitches and in the winter months, most teams train at the all weather facility at Oriel High School, Maidenbower.

Other than running a team do I have to do anything else for the club?
The club operates an annual funday, and we will ask for help running this.

Who do I contact about becoming a coach or manager
Just complete our form on the contact us page and we will get in touch.

Maidenbower Colts offers children and young people a safe, well-managed environment where everyone can have fun. All our managers, coaches and officers are CRB checked. They also have a level 1 coaching qualification.

All Maidenbower Colts players and parents must agree to our club policies on behaviour, respect and fair play. Our club policies are on our safeguarding page.

You can discuss with the team manager for your child’s age group about the team and how they can participate. Normally new players come along for a couple of training sessions before they register with the club.

For very young children, in Reception at school, we run our starters session as an introduction to football.

We now have a number of girls teams within the club. we cannot currently cater for every age group but the FA have, in recent years, raised the age limit for mixed football to 18 years old, so if you child would like to get involved, please get in touch. 

As football grows in popularity, Local clubs and leagues needs more referees.  Men and women and young people from the age of 14 are eligible and we’ll support you through the training. Many of our coaches and older players have already qualified. Find out more about what’s involved.

The Sussex County FA can provide the training you need whether you’re interested in getting involved with our younger teams or acting as an official for our older players.

Helping one of our teams with kit and equipment is an ideal way to increase the visibility of your business – and gain local customers. It’s a positive way to support the local community and it definitely makes a difference to the children and young people who play in our teams. You can sponsor a team by providing kit and equipment or trophies for our tournaments. Get in touch to find out more.

Without the help and support of our committee, there would be no Club. Some of our committee members are coaches and managers, while others help with administration and keeping the club’s finances in order. Whatever your talents and skills, there’s a place for you on the committee. It’s a great way to meet other parents and trade information on schools, clubs and events. And rest assured, we keep meetings short and focused. It’s our goal to decide what needs to be done and to do it.

If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch


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#Shoutout – U8’s Red

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#Shoutout U13s Black

#Shoutout U14s Dragons

#Shoutout U10s Red

#Shoutout U15s Blacks

#Shoutout U14s Dragons

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