Coach Rachelle said:
“The team put on an incredible performance today. Every single one of the boys put in the hard work and contributed towards the final result. A real team effort.
Quick decisions were needed to keep up with the pressure from the opposition throughout the game.
Great use of finding space to move into, a teammate to pass the ball to, and body shape to block off players.
Sportsmanship was seen on and off the pitch today. Whilst the boys were having a rest off the pitch, they were supportive and complimentary of the rest of the players on the pitch.
An increase in communication in the second half enabled more awareness and increased the level of teamwork.
The header of the year from Louis, our center back, as he positioned himself well in the box when a corner was taken.
POTM – Harry & Aaban.
Harry – saved every single shot that came his way. He communicated with his teammates to let them know he was an option. Despite a collision with the goalpost, he remained in good spirits for the rest of the game.
Aaban – Improved his performance throughout the match. He battled well during the game, regaining possession of the ball, made use of the space in front of him, and looked for players to pass the ball to.”