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Maidenbower Colts Football Club acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person who has been entrusted to its care and is committed to working to provide a safe environment for all members. A child or young person is anyone under the age of eighteen engaged in any Club football activity. We adhere to The Football Association’s Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures and endorse and adopt its strategy.

Our Child Welfare Officer is Nola Waight. She can be contacted by email

Our Child Welfare Officer is Nola Waight. Nola can be contacted via email at                 

The Two Key Responsibilities of a CWO:

1. To be clear about the club’s responsibilities when running activities for children and young people.

This involves:

  • Ensuring these responsibilities are well understood by others
  • Working with the Youth League Welfare Officer (YLWO)
  • Working with your County FA Welfare Officer
  • Promoting The FA’s Respect Programme and helping to develop best practice processes.

2. To help club personnel understand their ‘duty of care towards children and young people.

It is also the role of a CWO to make sure that:

a) The club put in place:

  • A safeguarding children policy, the anti-bullying policy, and equality policy
  • A Responsible recruitment process including the taking up of references and submitting FA DBC checks (getting the right people into the game)
  • The FA Respect Programme codes of conduct

b) Understand:

  • What the Respect Programme aims to do
  • The benefits of implementing the Respect codes
  • The quick wins to be gained by using The FA’s safeguarding children best practice guidance (e.g. Travel, Trips and Tournaments, Photography guidelines, Anti-bullying Policy, and Safeguarding Children Policy Template)
  • Why certain roles require an FA CRB check and how The FA CRB process works
  • How to refer a concern about the welfare of a child

c) Communicate with:

  • Club officials about the Respect Programme and its aims
  • Parents/spectators and get them to sign up to the Respect codes
  • Parents and new players by getting involved with running ‘start of season’ welcome sessions for members
  • Coaches and managers about the importance of being consistent role models for their players
  • Your Youth League Welfare Officer – introduce yourself, find out how they can support you, and let them know what you are doing to safeguard children in your club
  • Your County FA Welfare Officer if you need help or advice
  • The FA by taking part in surveys, questionnaires, focus groups as and when asked


  • Parents to complete the Respect education programme
  • Coaches, team managers, first aiders/medics to complete The FA’s Safeguarding Children Workshop
  • Coaches and team managers to listen to their player’s thoughts, ideas, and views
  • The committee to make use of the Respect Programmes designated spectator area at all games

e) Monitor:

  • Repeated incidents of poor behaviour and liaise with your committee (and where necessary Youth League Welfare Officer or County FA Welfare Officer)
  • Compliance with FA CRB checks through The FA CRB Unit for those who require one using The FA Safeguarding Online System

Every child or young person, defined as any person under the age of 18, who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from abuse. This is the responsibility of every adult involved in football, thus every club is required to endorse and adhere to The Association’s Safeguarding Children policy.

The FA recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. The FA is committed to working to provide a safe environment for all children and young people to participate in the sport to the best of their abilities for as long as they choose to do so. The Safeguarding Children Policy is supported by The FA’s Respect programme to address verbal abuse and bullying of youngsters by parents and coaches on the sidelines. The Association’s Safeguarding Children policy principles are that:

the child’s welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration

all children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, faith or sexual orientation

all suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

working in partnership with other organisations, children and young people and their parents and carers is essential.

The FA is committed to working in partnership with the Police, Children’s Services Departments, and Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards (LSCB) in accordance with their procedures. This is essential to enable these organisations to carry out their statutory duties to investigate concerns and protect all children and young people.

The Association’s Safeguarding Children Policy is in response to government legislation and guidance, developed to safeguard the welfare and development of children and young people.

As set out in The Football Association’s Safeguarding Children Policy, The Association is committed to safeguarding children within football and has Case Management procedures in place to assess the suitability of individuals to be involved with children in football.

In assessing that suitability, children’s welfare is the paramount consideration. Towards this, The Association has the power under the Safeguarding Children Regulations to issue a suspension where any one or more of the following applies:

The individual fails to comply with any part of The Association’s Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Process;

The individual has been barred by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) from engaging in regulated activity relating to children;

The individual has been disqualified from working with children under the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000;

The individual is subject to any other restriction to their involvement with children due to an order made pursuant to statute;

The individual has been convicted of, or made the subject of a caution for, an “Offence” defined in paragraph 1 of the Regulations;

Following a risk assessment, The Association is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the individual poses or may pose a risk of harm to children.

1(a).     In these Regulations the expression “Offence” shall mean any one or more of the offences contained in the Schedules of the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 and any other criminal offence which reasonably causes The Association to believe that the person accused of the offence poses or may pose a risk of harm to a child or children.

1(b).     Where any case is referred to the Safeguarding Review Panel pursuant to these Regulations, it shall be considered by the Panel on the basis of written material only. No party shall be permitted to attend to address the Safeguarding Review Panel.


  1. All persons applying for or currently in such positions that The Association deems relevant whose duties include regularly caring for, training, supervising or being in charge of children, must comply with the requirements of The Association’s CRB process. These requirements are:

To obtain an FA Enhanced CRB Disclosure; and

To provide any such further detail, explanation or clarification of any or all part or parts of that Enhanced Disclosure, or any matter revealed by it, as may be required by The Association; and

Where required, to provide at least two references that attest to their suitability to be involved in youth football. The spouse or partner of the person subject to this requirement cannot act as a referee for this purpose. Any reference provided by a spouse or partner will not be accepted; and

To comply with each of the requirements set out in regulations (i) – (iii) above within any such time limit as The Association may stipulate.

Any person who fails to comply with any of the requirements set out in sub-paragraphs (i) – (iv) above shall be subject to an immediate suspension from football activity, on such terms and for such period as The Association may stipulate.


Upon receipt by The Association of:

3.1.     Notification that an individual has been charged with an Offence; or

3.2.     Notification that an individual is the subject of an investigation by the Police, Children’s Services or any other authority relating to an Offence; or

3.3.     Any other information which causes The Association reasonably to believe that a person poses or may pose a risk of harm to a child or children.

The Association shall have the power to order that the individual be suspended from all or any specific football activity for such a period and on such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate. Such suspensions will be issued by the Case Manager or his/her nominee. The initial notification of any such suspension sent to an individual shall set out the right of appeal contained in Regulation 6 below.

In determining whether an order under regulation 3 should be made, the Case Manager or his/her nominee shall give consideration, inter alia, to the following factors:

4.1.     Whether a child is or children are or may be at risk of harm;

4.2.     Whether the matters are of a serious nature;

4.3.     Whether an order is necessary or desirable to allow the conduct of any investigation by The Association or any other authority or body to proceed unimpeded having regard to the need for any suspension order to be proportionate.

All such suspension orders will be reviewed at the next meeting of The Association’s Safeguarding Review Panel. The Panel may ratify, modify or remove any such suspension, or make any other order in relation to that suspension as it deems appropriate.

  1. The total period of an order referred to in Regulation 3 above shall not last beyond the final determination of any related case under the Rules of The Association.
  1. Any individual subject to a suspension order under Regulation 3 may appeal against it once the period of three months from the imposition of the suspension order by the Case Manager/nominee has elapsed.
  1. Such appeals shall be considered by the Safeguarding Review Panel. At least one member of any Panel considering an appeal shall not have been a member of any Panel which conducted the initial review, under Regulation 4 above, of the suspension order being appealed.
  1. To bring an appeal under Regulation 6, the individual must give notice in writing to the Case Manager/nominee, requesting such an appeal. The individual may submit any written material in support of the appeal. Such material must be submitted within 14 days of giving such notice or it may not be considered by the Safeguarding Review Panel.
  1. The Safeguarding Review Panel shall consider all written material submitted by the individual requesting the appeal and in support of that appeal. The Case Manager/nominee may also submit any written material for consideration by the Panel.
  1. On considering an appeal, the Safeguarding Review Panel shall have the power to make any order in relation to the interim suspension order as it deems appropriate, including ratifying, modifying or removing it. The Panel shall also have power to make any order in relation to the conduct of the appeal proceedings as it deems appropriate, including requiring more information from either the individual or the Case Manager/nominee.
  1. Any appeal under Regulation 6 shall be heard by the Safeguarding Review Panel at the earliest opportunity, following receipt of notice in writing and any written material in support of the appeal from the individual.
  1. Where an order is imposed on an individual under Regulation 3 above, The Association shall bring and conclude any proceedings under the Rules of The Association against the person relating to the matters as soon as reasonably practicable.
  1. Safeguarding Policy Statement

Maidenbower Colts Football Club (“the Club”) recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people (defined as any person under the age of 18) involved in football which it organises or which it supervises and is committed to working to provide them with a safe environment. The Club subscribes to The Football Association’s Child Protection Best Practice Policy and Procedures, Safeguarding Children and Young People in Football and endorse and adopt the Policy Statement contained in that document namely:

“Every child or young person, defined as any person under the age of 18, who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and should be protected from abuse. This is the responsibility of every adult involved in football. The FA recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. The FA is, therefore, committed to working to provide a safe environment for all children and young people to participate in the sport to the best of their abilities so long as they choose to do so”.

  1. Key Principles

The key principles of this Safeguarding Children Policy and that of the FA are that:-

  • The child’s welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration
  • All children and young people have the right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
  • Working in partnership with other organisations, children and young people and their parents/carers is essential
  1. Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that every child or young person who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable safe environment and be protected from poor practice and abuse. The Club recognises that this is the responsibility of every adult involved in football organised or supervised by the Club.

  1. Role

The Club has a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. It is noted and accepted that the Football Association regulations (set out in Appendix 2A hereto) apply to all persons involved in football whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. This means whether you are a volunteer, match official, helper on club tours, coach, club official or medical staff.

The Club endorses and will apply the Football Association regulations and will treat any infraction of those regulations as misconduct which will be the subject of the disciplinary procedures set out in the League Rules in addition to any other procedures which may be undertaken by any other body or authority.

The Club also endorses and adopts the FA’s Safeguarding Children and Best Practice Guidelines for recruiting volunteers and will:-

  • Develop a role profile
  • Request identification documents
  • As a minimum, meet and discuss with the applicants and where possible will conduct interviews before appointing
  • Request and follow up with 2 references before appointing
  • Require an FA CRB Unit Enhanced Disclosure where appropriate in line with FA Guidelines
  • All current Club officials with direct access to children and young people will be required to complete a CRB Enhanced Disclosure via the FA CRB Unit.

If there are concerns regarding the appropriateness of an individual who is already involved or who has approached the Club to become one of its officials, guidance will be sought from the Football Association. It is noted and accepted that the FA will consider the relevance and significance of the information obtained via the FA CRB Unit and that all decisions will be made in the best interests of children and young people.

It is accepted that the FA aims to prevent people with a history of relevant and significant offending from having contact with children or young people and the opportunity to influence policies or practice with children or young people. This is to prevent direct sexual or physical harm to children and young people and to minimise the risk of “grooming” within football.

  1. Whistle Blowing

The Club supports the FA’s whistle blowing policy. Any adult or young person with concerns about a adult in a position of trust with football can ‘whistle blow’ by contacting our Club Welfare Officer. Alternatively, you can contact:

The Sussex FA Safeguarding Team on 01903 768578 or by  emailing


Child Protection in Sport Unit via

The Club encourages everyone to know about The FA’s Whistle Blowing Policy and to utilise it if necessary.

  1. Club Welfare Officer

The Club has appointed a Club Welfare Officer in line with The FA’s role profile and required completion of the Safeguarding Children and Welfare Officers Workshop. The post holder will be involved with Welfare Officer training provided by The FA and/or County FA. The Club Welfare Officer is the first point of contact for all club members regarding concerns about the welfare of any child or young person. The Club Welfare Officer will liaise directly with the County FA (CFA) Welfare Officer and will be familiar with the procedures for referring any concerns. They will also play a proactive role in increasing awareness of Respect, poor practice and abuse amongst club members.

  1. Bullying

We acknowledge and endorse The FA’s identification of bullying as a category of abuse. Bullying of any kind is not acceptable at our club. If bullying does occur, all players or parents/carers should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly. Incidents need to be reported to the Club Welfare Officer in cases of serious bullying the CFA Welfare Officer may be contacted.

  1. Codes of Conduct

Codes of Conduct for coaches, players, officials and parents/carers have been implemented by the Club and are displayed on our website. These can also be downloaded to view offline.  Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct constitutes misconduct which may the subject of disciplinary sanction in accordance with the FA/league rules.

  1. Reporting Concerns

Reporting your concerns about the welfare of a child or young person. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility if you are worried about a child it is important that you report your concerns – no action is not an option.

  1. If you are worried about a child then you need to report your concerns to the Club Welfare Officer.
  2. If the issue is one of poor practice the Club Welfare Officer will either:
    •deal with the matter themselves or
    •seek advice from the Sussex FA Welfare Officer

iii. If the concern is more serious – possible child abuse, where possible, contact the Sussex FA Welfare Officer first, then immediately contact the Police or Children’s Social Care.

  1. If the child needs immediate medical treatment take them to a hospital or call an ambulance and tell them this is a child protection concern. Let your Club Welfare Officer know what action you have taken, they in turn will inform the CFA Welfare Officer.
  2. If at any time you are not able to contact your Club Welfare Officer or the matter is clearly serious then you can either:
    •contact The FA Safeguarding Team on 01903 768578 or
    •contact the Police or Children’s Social Care
    •call the NSPCC 24 hour Helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000 or text 88858 or email
  3. Further Advice

Further advice on Safeguarding Children matters can be obtained from:-

  • The NSPCC Child Protection 24 hour Helpline 0808 800 5000
  • safeguarding
  • Emailing –

Maidenbower Colts Football Club Commitee

Updated: July 2021


If you are worried about a child, it’s vital that you report your concerns.  Doing nothing is not an option.

How to report a concern:

  • To the Club Welfare Officer 
  • To the Sussex FA Designated Safeguarding team on 01903 768578
  • If urgent and you are unable to contact your Club or Sussex FA Safeguarding Officer, you should call the NSPCC 24 hour helpline on 0808 800 5000
  • If it is an emergency because a child is at immediate risk, then always call the Police by dialing 999


Whistle-blowing can be used as an early warning system or when it’s recognised that appropriate actions have not been taken. This approach or policy is adopted in many different walks of life.
It is about revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation or within an independent structure associated with it. To report a concern, please use the contacts above. Further information is available on the Sussex FA Safeguarding page.

For further reading and more information, please have a look at the websites below.

Safeguarding policies, documents and resources

At Maidenbower Colts Football Club we are committed to providing a safe environment for our players. We support and adhere to the FA’s policies on all aspects of safeguarding, most of which can be found below. Click on a button to view or download the document.


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