Due to the latest announcements on the changing pace of Covid-19 and some need for clarity over Tier4 resctrictions, the Club’s Committee have made the hard decision to stop all Maidenbower Colts FC activities with immediate effect. As a Football Club we want nothing more than our Players to play and our Coaches to coach, but with our ultimate responsibility being the safeguarding of all involved, we felt it the right thing to do.
This is not a decision that was easily made, but the following factors have been taken into consideration:
– All the Leagues that we participate in have suspended fixtures for the next month.
– Our winter training venues are not operating for the foreseeable future.
– The immediate uncertainty around schools remaining open, with some already having shut for part or all of this week. And, that not all of our Players in each team are from the same school (bubbles).
At present, Leagues have provisionally planned to restart on the weekend of 30/31st January and we hope to restart training sessions during the week prior.
The committee will be discussing this again on the 22nd of January, and we will make a decision based on the ever-changing information we have.
We appreciate that this is disappointing news, but we assure you that we will do all that we can to re-start Colt’s activities as soon as it is safe to do so.